Thursday, September 8, 2011


Okay not sure how many of these word things I'm going to write about. I just wrote one about friends on a previous post but I feel that there are word in the human language that no longer have the same meaning as they use too. Now don't get me wrong I know that love is true and really and there is that special love between family and friends. But let's think about this, how often do you hear the word love used. A lot I bet. For example your watching tv and a commercial comes on for say ice cream. They tell you that you will love the way it tastes because its so smooth and decadent. Know I really like ice cream but I am not in love with it.

Another example is when you go to a concert and the performer(s) say I love you. They will also post on their social networking page how much they love their fans. Now come on how can they love you when they don't even know you. They love the support that you give them because it pumps up there egos. They love the money you spend on their CDs, concerts and movies and they love the idea of you the fan. The fan is another animal in that they feel like they love this performer but they don't really know them. They know what they see in concerts, movies, read and see on tv or the internet. But then how much of what your read or see is true. You as the fan doesn't know the entertainer because you don't know them. You are not their friend or family member. Now you can really Ike their music or their acting but are you really emotionally bonded to them.

Love is define as "a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties". Do you have a personal tie to someone whom you don't know in the entertainment field. Unless you are a friend or a member of the family I think not. Let put it this way I like Oprah she is amazing person, so is Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. They do a lot for others, they run successful businesses. But I don't love them. I admire them. So maybe that is the word we should be using. We admire them. Would like to model our life or parts of our life after them. But we don't really love them. We enjoy what they do for a living or what their companies produce.

Now I love my family and close friends. I do care about my friends and neighbors. If they needed a hand or something bad were to happen I would lend a hand, shoulder to cry on or a ear to vent. We all need that and I hope they would do the same for me. And maybe over time our friendship would change and we would become close friends. Having a close friend is rare and a true gift. Okay going off subject, back to it.

People that you love are people that you have a history with. People that you have shared common events and interests with. Are we so desperate to be loved. I have watched some of these reality tv shows, oh my lord it's frightening. One in particular is when all these women come on a show to meet their Prince Charming. They spend maybe 15 to 20 minutes with this person and then they don't get to stay at then end of the evening and they are devastated. They are crying in the limo, and carrying on. Now not to sound callus I know they go in hoping to find love but to be so forlorn. Totally devastated after just talking to someone for a few minutes is........ Well I'll let you fill in the blank.

Also with that same show the women have had a date or a group date and they are crushed. During the whole time they are on the show they spend very little time with these people and they are so upset when they are sent home. At the end Prince Charming picks his princess from the 2 remaining women and asks for wedded bliss Then people later we hear that they broke up when they rejoin the real world. Huummmmm....... Maybe because they are living a perfectly orchestrated date with all the perks. Do any of us really believe it will last the chances are extremely slim. So far only 1 couple has made it. That should tell you a lot. Are we so desperate to be loved that we feel the need to compete for the love of one individual. My mom always said that there are plenty fish in the sea, you will find the right one eventually. You can always keep throw the other back until you find the right one. Just don't look, just let it happen. Good advise!

So in conclusion start thinking about how you use the word love in your daily life. When you do use it do you really mean it? Well do you?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The term Friend

Have you ever thought about the word friend. Its a word that we use so freely. Can someone on Facebook or Twitter really have 300, 400, 500 or more friends. The dictionary defines friend as "a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard" or "a favored companion". So are all these friends a person you are truly attached to or are they acquaintances. Don't we think the truth of it is that of these 300 to 500 of friends are really just that acquaintances not "friends". A friend is someone that when times are hard and even when they're not they check in on you to see how you are doing. They are truly concerned for your well being. Sure anyone can I am so sorry when they comment on Facebook or Twitter.

I hear people today that say so and so is my friend but when you begin to ask questions about this person they tend to know very little about them. They are someone they met at a party a few times or someone whom they work with or a friend of a friend. But not someone they really know and have a bond with. What would happen if you took off everyone who you are just acquaintance off your social networking account. How many friends would you really have? I would bet the numbers would drop dramatically.

Now don't get me wrong. I enjoy social networking sites. Wish I had more time to see all that was going on with friends and family and play games etc. I also understand that it is a good networking tool for jobs etc. But I guess the thing is that certain words in our culture had so much more meaning then they do now. Friends has become just another generic term for someone you know. It could be someone you met at a party, someone you work with, a neighbor that you wave to but rarely socialize with or someone you sort of knew in high school or college. But it still can mean someone who you do have a real history with.

What do you think? Have you every thought about this?

In the beginning

I decided to create this blog because I see things going on in this world and I think what the hell or boy things sure have changed.  Now some of these things may be good others bad or a mixture.  I guess it just depends on where you sit in the picture.  You'll have to decide if you agree or disagree.  Feel free to let me know.  I can't promise that I will respond but I will try to periodically.  I hope that this will at least make you think and maybe see the world in a different way.